In addition to returning to stand in for his brother, Paul, if needed in the new Fast and Furious 8 movie, word has it that Cody Walker’s face will also be making an appearance in the new movie. According to the latest gossip news updates, both Universal and Vin Diesel have been thinking about adding a new role just for Cody, now that they’ve sent his brother’s character, Brian O’Conner into semi-retirement on the show. Franchise staple, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently explained that the entire cast and crew are looking forward to returning for the new, New York centric action flick, but a lot of other decisions have to be made before they are anywhere near ready to begin filming.
Although Cody Walker seemed more than happy to help cement his brother Paul’s legacy in Hollywood by helping Universal finish the now record breaking Fast and Furious 7 following his tragic death in a fiery car crash late 2013, it’s now being rumored that Cody may be getting his very own part in the New York City set Fast 8.
“There is talk of Walker’s younger brother Cody being given the part of a new character in the film.
“Cody has expressed his interest in being associated with the franchise and would be up for a role if offered on in Fast and Furious 8.”
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